Thursday, April 29, 2010

Dixie Gentlemen

I have recently started working for a new company, Dixie Gentlemen. Dixie Gentlemen is a southern based clothing company that is refined yet still carries itself with a bit of swagger. Laid back but can be dressed up or down. Mixing the old south with the new. Dixie prides itself on class, entertainment, and tradition. Clothing can not only change one's look but it can sway their confidence, that's Dixie. I am the Alabama sales rep and I took these photos during the A-day game. Let me know if you are interested in purchasing anything or check out

Terry's Photoshoot

All things come alive with a smile..

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Good Ole 35mm.

  My sophomore year at Alabama I took a photography course. I had no clue of what I was getting myself into. I quickly fell in love with learning everything about my camera and how to capture the beauty of the world in a flash. Bottom-line, I did not appreciate the whole developing-film side of photography though. However, I did have a chance to meet a ton of amazing people, spending hours with them in the darkroom developing my photographs over-and over again until it came out just right was not the way I wanted to spend my weekends. I guess you could call me a perfectionist but I would not leave that lab until I had the exact image I was looking for. I have to say the course was a learning experience that made me much more appreciative of the technology that is available today. I find it amazing that I can upload photos and see them in the blink of an eye and then perfect them in any way I feel with the click of a mouse.  After coming across a binder of negatives from this course I decided to take a few pages to get developed. The discs were not the best quality, but here are a few I got out of them!

[XoXo h.e]

Sunday, April 18, 2010

In Need of A Vacation..

I am in need of a vacation. The end of the semester is hitting me hard and the work seems to be never ending. One spot that I cannot get enough of is the beach. The beach seems to always make me happy and in the best of moods..I want to taste the salt on my lips, feel the breeze through my hair, and the sand between my toes.
Anyone up for a road trip?

Here are a few photos I have taken while at the beach.